WannaLearn.com World Languages Logo

This resource has quite a few links to sites that have instructional materials for learning numerous foreign languages. Eventually, these sections should be put individually on the site for each language section. But for now, here they are all at once on the blog. The following languages are available.

Here's the link to WannaLearn.com/Academic_Subjects/World_Languages.

* Albanian
* Arabic
* Chinese
* Danish
* Dutch
* English as a Second Language
* Finnish
* French
* Gaelic
* German
* Greek
* Hebrew
* Hungarian
* Indo-Chinese
* Indonesian
* Italian
* Japanese
* Korean
* Latin
* Norwegian
* Polish
* Portuguese
* Russian
* Sanskrit
* Sign Language
* Spanish
* Swahili
* Swedish
* Tagalog Filipino
* Thai
* Turkish
* Vietnamese