Update from ChinesePod

This just in from the folks at Praxis Language's ChinesePod:

1000 Lessons!

This month ChinesePod hit an exciting milestone: its 1,000th lesson! Many thanks go to our loyal Poddies for all their support over the last 1,000 podcasts, and especially for the countless creative and useful lesson ideas. We could never have made it without you! So, now that we've covered every topic from toilet talk to being abducted by aliens, we toast a glass of baijiu in your honor, and look forward to what's to come. Have a listen to our special celebratory podcast.


ChinesePod really is an amazing and fun way to learn Mandarin.

French, Spanish, Italian and English too!

ChinesePod is the first podcast to be released by the Praxis Language team. Praxis Language bases its products on combined Web-based and mobile learning. Community, fresh media content, talented course design team, array of web-based tools for practice and review. A unique combination of media and method, it's no wonder thousands are using ChinesePod every day.

Praxis's podcast-driven, socially enhanced, user backed language-learning phenomenon is maturing elegantly!

Submitted by polyglot on Wed, 10/08/2008 - 15:45