Expert Language Learners Share their Secrets to Learning Vocabulary

What's the Secret to Learning Vocabulary in a New Language?

Noel van Vliet, creator of Smart Language Learner, just published an interesting article entitled 37 Language-Learning Experts Reveal their Favorite Method for Learning Vocabulary.

Noel polled language learners across the world, asking them about their recommendations and methods for learning vocabulary in a new language. The results - amassed from self-taught language enthusiasts to linguists and more - are very interesting and range quite widely, offering loads of free advice for new and experienced language learners alike.

Nice work, Noel!


Want to learn more words in your target language? And you want to learn them faster? 37 Experts share their most effective vocabulary-building method with you. Probably the most balanced advice on learning vocabulary you'll ever find.

Submitted by cman on Tue, 10/08/2013 - 06:23