Yesterday I made an update to the site that was long overdue: I finally added links to translate the page using Google Language Tools for automatic machine translation.

You can see this banner in the site's footer:

Translate Free Language Using Google Language Tools

I used the Brazilian flag for Portuguese, the US flag for English, the Spanish flag for Spanish, the Chinese flag for Chinese and the German flag for German because... I just did. At some point, this site is going to be multi-lingual and localized itself, that's just a "little further" down the roadmap for the site!

There are also text links on the bottom right side of every page:

Translate Free Language Using Google Language Tools Text

As Google adds more languages, so will Free Language.

I chose Google because I couldn't find any totally free and cool ones that allowed browsing of the site with instantaneous translation. If anyone knows of one, please let me know. For now, this will do.

Submitted by polyglot on Fri, 08/10/2007 - 21:55