About EnglishLingQ
The LingQ language-learning platform is among the most intentionally-created foreign language education products available. Developed by reknowned polyglot linguist Steve Kaufmann and company, LingQ is an excellent way to learn English using materials you choose yourself!
In fact, this is where LingQ excels as an educational platform because students can import any license-free content they want to base their lessons around. This means that the students decide what subjects and topics they wish to learn about based on professional needs and/or personal interests.
The particular LingQ podcast highlighted in this article is EnglishLingQ, a roughly weekly podcast with mp3 audio content for English language learners. Transcripts of the podcasts are available through LingQ, and can also serve as learning content themselves.
One additional advantage of the LingQ system is that for a single subscription, you can use their web-based platform to learn ten languages (and growing) including Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Swedish.
From EnglishLingQ.com
What is EnglishLingQ?
First of all, the name itself (which is pronounced English Link) needs a little explaining. The first part, “English”, is fairly obvious since we teach English. LingQ is the name of our online learning system which you can find at LingQ.com. At LingQ you’ll study many different languages in a fun, community atmosphere. The “Ling” in LingQ comes from TheLinguist.com the people behind LingQ. Lastly, the “Q” is important because it forms the speech bubble in our logo and throughout our site and because it makes “lingq” sound like “link” (we think!) which is what our system does for you.
At EnglishLingQ...
. we LingQ you to a world of real English content
. we LingQ you to our revolutionary learning tools
. we LingQ you to a community of fellow English learnersOur podcasts may contain interviews, articles, or audiobook excerpts but are most often just general conversations in English. We will usually talk about topics of general interest. Please do send us feedback and topic requests. We’re always happy to hear from you.
After you listen to the podcast, sign up for a free account at LingQ (l-i-n-g-q.com) and study the full transcript using LingQ's revolutionary learning tools.
At LingQ, you may also want to submit writing for correction or join live 1 on 1 and group discussions with our tutors. Plus you will find thousands more podcasts with transcript. Come and find out what LingQ is all about!
Of course, even if you don’t decide to become a member, you can continue listening to the podcasts as long as you like.