Show Off your Irish English Skills with Idioms & Expressions
There are few things that will make you appear to speak more Irish English than you really do and, right up there with cursing like a local but far more elegant (not to mention useful in any situation), one of the quickest ways is to learn and then use idioms and local expressions.
Idiomatic expressions are something that most foreigners learning any language do not regularly use and mixing them into your flow will make you instantly seem more linguistically adept.
Not only will your language appear stronger than it may (or may not) be, but you also get to learn some interesting vocabulary terms as you acquire these expressions themselves.
It is estimated that some 25,000 idioms exist in the English language (Source) but that is just plain too much to try and tackle. Instead, try learning these 12 idioms only the Irish understand as well as 8 Irish expressions to learn if you want to understand the locals and work on incorporating them into your speaking as naturally as possible.