
This is a cute and funny podcast where a father and son have a dialog in which they translate funny phrases into English and Japanese.

I have added this in the Learn English as well as the Learn Japanese sections since it can be entertaining to students of both languages.

From Website

I’m an American who has been living in Japan since 1990. My other podcast, Herro Flom Japan, is listened to by hundreds of very nice people around the world. I work in Tokyo but live in Koga, Ibaraki Prefecture.

Tony is my 10 year old son. He likes video games, playing with his friends and his little brother Andy, dodge ball, card-based games and saying anything with the word “poop” in it.

Tony and I like to play a game where one of us says something totally insane and ridiculous in our own native language, and the other has to translate it. This is us, having fun with silly phrases. Caution: Podcasts may contain any of the following words in Japanese and/or English: booger, fart, dingleberry, poop, buttface or wee-wee. (Well, probably not wee-wee.)

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