100+ Free Phrasebooks for Languages from Around the World

Phrasebooks from Afrikaans to Zarma

For quite a while now, I've been steadily adding articles about available online free phrasebooks for languages from all around the world. This has culminated in quite a list!

Currently, the phrasebooks section of FreeLanguage.org has over 100 phrasebook articles covering over 75 languages.

The majority of these phrasebook articles are about resources found at Wikitravel and the BBC.

What is a phrasebook?

A phrasebook is generally a list of helpful words and phrases for a language. Generally, phrasebooks cover the most basic expressions as well as those useful for travel.

Generally, you look up a phrase in your native language (or a language you are familiar with) and find the rough equivalent in the target language, thereby giving you quick access to a wide variety of useful expressions (phrases) for many settings and interactions.

Why do I need a phrasebook?

Well, you don't! However, phrasebooks can be very helpful for people who know nothing about a language and simply want a reference book so they can get around in a given linguistic environment. This can mean anything from eating at restaurants, shopping, checking in and out of hotels, asking directions, staying socially and culturally polite, meeting and greeting people and much more.

Visit the Free Language Phrasebook section where you'll find links to free phrasebooks for dozens of languages!