Free Korean Alphabet Video Course (Learn to Read Korean)
For total beginners, Vivi Korean's YouTube channel is a fabulous and free video series that teaches you, from start to finish, the Korean alphabet (Hangul). In a seven-video series, you will learn how to read and pronounce Hangul.
Hangul is an alphabet, so once you can read the sounds, you can read and sound out Korean!
Free Basic Korean Course
This twenty-video series gives total beginners an introduction to the Korean language... for free!
TOPIK Test Preparation
TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) test prep is available for free in two video playlists that total 77 videos (!) and cover dialogues and vocabulary.
Daily Korean Readings
Another videos series on this channel offers daily Korean lessons for those already proficient in the materials covered in the other videos.
Learn Korean for Japanese and Chinese Speakers
Also available are free Korean learning videos for native Japanese and Chinese speakers.
Who makes these free Korean educational videos?!
Seemile, a Korean learning service focusing on language and culture (including K-pop), has made these videos available for free. They also offer a commercial Korean service.