3000 Trilingual Idioms Online in One Place
The Collegial Center for Educational Materials Development (CCMD - Centre Collégial de Développement de Matériel Didactique) has developed in incredibly useful interactive website for finding and learning idiomatic expressions in English, Spanish and French.
100 Images on the Tip of My Tongue
Each expression contains text that explains its meaning, an audio archive for pronunciation guidance, animated designs that illustrate various expressions in the context of a story and different activities for familiarization, comprehension and translation.
It's easy to find materials to work with, which is one of this website's greatest benefits. You can look up expressions by language, category or related keywords. Once an expression is selected in the original language, you can also see equivalent expressions in another of the two languages.
From Website
The site 1000 images on the tip of my tongue is interactive, and focuses on French, English and Spanish idiomatic expressions. This trilingual directory provides more than 3,000 idiomatic phrases classified according to theme. Each one is inserted into a short text that illustrates its meaning and contains a digital audio file. Listening to the file allows us to fully understand all the various shades in the pronunciation. The site also includes exercises and games as well as brief, humorous animations, which contribute to the discovery of the fascinating world of colourful expressions.
This instructional material has been designed not only for English, French and Spanish second-language courses, but also for translation courses taught throughout Québec colleges.
Translated from a Spanish article by Camila Uribe in Cartagena, Colombia.