Learn Arabic Language Wikibook


Wikibooks is a great idea. Like Wikipedia, Wikibooks consists of content that is public domain. That means that anything there is reusable in any fashion, such as for teaching.

The Arabic Wikibook has a nice amount of information. You can start off learning the Arabic alphabet, move on to phrases and vocabulary, start to make sentences, learn about gerunds, nominative pronouns, verbs, conjugation and more.

From Website

We have noticed that many of those who wish to learn Arabic do so alone, with little or no help from others. Our goal is to help those frustrated with learning the Arabic language. We wish to help ourselves learn while teaching others. Further, we aim to present the Arabic language in an easy to learn, orderly manner. We shall not stop with the development of this book until it is a complete, accurate and comprehensive Arabic textbook for the average English speaker.

The purpose of this book is to:

1. Provide easy to understand lessons to help those with no previous experience in learning Arabic achieve fluency in reading, writing, and understanding.
2. Provide lessons for learners in an easy to use format with each lesson leading on to the next.
3. Provide lesson ideas and plans for teachers.
4. Encourage the learning of the Arabic language.
5. Provide a collection of sample sentences with translations.
6. Provide a chapter on common Arabic phrases and their meaning.
7. Provide useful charts in the appendix
8. Provide exercises with answers in order to help the student practice what they have learnt.
9. Provide instructions on ways to increase fluency in Arabic.
10. Provide resources with lessons, such as wordlists, and audio.
11. Provide links to helpful resources

All material in this book should be provided in an orderly fashion. This book must work towards giving students an understanding of Arabic to the level of being able to understand Arabic cartoon shows, Arabic news broadcasts, Arabic newspapers and Arabic literature.

Visit the Arabic Language Wikibook.