
A quality production! This podcast is professional and quite popular. The focus is mainly European Spanish, but information is also given for Latin American Spanish where needed. Really, this is good for anyone wanting to learn Spanish for travel and other reasons.

There is also a nice forum on the website where you can request content for future episodes and other such community-oriented things. Bien hecho!

From Website

You can download each episode to your computer and copy it to an iPod or any mp3 player to take your learning with you wherever you go. Alternatively you could burn CDs of each episode, or copy them to your mobile phone. When you're learning a language it's good to make use of any opportunity to practise what you're learning. If you have Coffee Break Spanish with you at the gym, while walking the dog or mowing the lawn, you'll be able to maximise your learning time and you'll make excellent progress.

In addition to the weekly podcast episodes which cover the basics of the language we also provide a range of additional materials to help you consolidate what you've learned. We'd encourage you to listen to the podcasts several times to make sure you've understood everything. We also provide additional bonus podcasts which allow you to review the same language covered in the basic podcast in a different way: sometimes this involves relaxation techniques, sometimes it's with music or with a quiz. The bonus podcasts also offer additional vocabulary in each theme which allows you to broaden your range of expression.

Visit Coffee Break Spanish.