Being reminded to study your chosen number of lessons helps a lot of people stay on their language studies.
This site has lots of content, plenty of lessons and audio to back it all up. Concepts are explained clearly.
This is a very good resource for beginning learners of the Spanish language, with a concentrated focus on the business world.
From Website
businessspanishcom'll teach you how to speak and write business and conversational Spanish by listening and repeating examples and simplified grammar rules. ALL LESSONS and each topic contain vocabulary with recorded AUDIO, and they are organized in Chapters.
businessspanishcom offers daily FREE online lessons. We add 2 new lessons every weekday, 520 lessons in a year. You will find them concise yet very effective.
This comprehensive site that will cover more than 100 business themes as well as various cultural aspects and business etiquette of the Spanish speaking countries. Check out our list of topics.
businessspanishcom'll remind you daily to take a 10-minute tutorial at your request. SIGN-UP today!!! It's absolutely FREE! Take advantage of the online translators, verb conjugators, and FREE downloads of tutorials.