Submitted by: opal myth
Wed, 07/18/2007 - 14:31

Valley Trail Dutch Courses Logo

Just received an email with a link to a nice online Dutch course for beginners and advanced learners.

From Website

Dutch Language Course for Beginners

Is Dutch new to you? This is a beginner’s course for English speakers. The course includes:

Submitted by: polyglot
Wed, 07/18/2007 - 13:35

In the last few days some shifting has been occurring with the display of this website's content. Some of the blog posts are being promoted to the front page. These posts are those that cover a significant resource rather than a personal experience or anecdote.

Once a "proper" front page article has been published about the resource, the blog post that mentioned it will be demoted and appear only in the blog.

This is being done for several reasons:

1) To promote the good resources as soon and effectively as possible.

2) To allow front page articles that are not fully-integrated into the category structure.

3) To facilitate the growth of the site by publishing as many useful, quality resources as possible to the front page.

The reasons for these reasons can be demonstrated with one simple example: Latin has not yet been added to the list of languages on the site, but a blog post about a podcast for learning Latin should be front page material right away since it is so useful. Once Latin is integrated into the site's complex category structure (as compared to the relatively simple blog tags), a "proper" article will be drafted and published, and the blog post will be demoted.

Eventually, the blog may evolve to be more specifically geared toward user experiences and advice.

One further note - promoting blog posts to the front page also allows for multi-lingual front page resource entries despite the current lack of infrastructure for a truly localized and internationalized site. Articles in Polish, Portuguese, Italian, German, Spanish and French (and other languages) can be front page material.

Plans for localization and internationalization of are being developed. This is one of our highest priorities.

Submitted by: polyglot
Wed, 07/18/2007 - 13:24

Since Version 2 of the site launched on February 1, 2007, many syndicated web feeds have been added to the site. These include blog, podcast and news feeds from around the world and in multiple languages.

These feeds can be used by the learner or educator as a wide variety of learning tools.

Audio and textual news feeds can keep intermediate to advanced users fluent with the target language, introduce new vocabulary and bridge into many cultural, political and international affairs.

Video and audio podcasts can initiate the learning process for total newbies or give beginner, intermediate and advanced learners material to work with.

Blog feeds can provide insight into the process of learning a language or offer experiences learners have when acquiring a foreign language.

Below is a list of the web feeds that we syndicate at Free Language. We encourage you to use them in new and creative ways to facilitate your learning process.

Submitted by: opal myth
Tue, 07/17/2007 - 02:37 Logo

Just ran across, a website that seems to have a domain name that appears to speak for its lonely self.

Esperanto can be referred to as a "universal auxiliary language". That is a mouthful for sure.

It is also called a constructed or invented language.

Whatever it is, it waxes glossopoetic.

Submitted by: opal myth
Fri, 07/13/2007 - 14:57 Logo

Just ran across a directory of websites about the English language.

From Website has been created and exists to serve as a single stop web resource for Internet users interested in finding quality information related to English Language.

Please note that we do not provide any commercial or other services related to English Language except for the presentation and maintenance of this web directory and therefore, are unable to answer any questions or provide any advice, suggestions etc.

Also, any and all web sites listed here are merely to facilitate your convenience in terms of finding English Language related information online and no listing constitutes our endorsement of the quality or authenticity of the listed site in any way.


All about the English Language : is a categorised directory of websites about the English Language and related topics.
Submitted by: opal myth
Fri, 07/13/2007 - 14:23

Latinum Podcast Logo

Received an email about a great podcast for learning the Latin language.

From Website

The Online Latin Course. Learn Latin through Total Immersion. Download our free lessons to your MP3 player, and soak yourself through with the sounds of spoken Latin. Its the only way to rapidly aquire fluency. We offer free lessons in spoken Latin, an expanding repository of readings from classical texts, and a wide range of study materials for every level of learner.

Visit Latinum - The Latin Language Learning Podcast from London


Subscribe to Latinum Podcast.
Subscribe to Latinum Podcast via iTunes.

Submitted by: opal myth
Fri, 07/13/2007 - 14:09

Jezyk Chinksi Logo

Od Website

Nauka języka chińskiego poznaj Chiny.

Wizyta Ję

Submitted by: opal myth
Fri, 07/13/2007 - 14:00 Logo

Recebi um email sobre um um Web site com informação e recursos para aprender a língua chinesa.

Do Site é uma associação sem fins lucrativos cujo objetivo é a promoção da língua e da cultura chinesas. Neste site pode encontrar numerosas actividades destinadas à aprendizagem do Chinês.


Submitted by: opal myth
Fri, 07/13/2007 - 12:38 Logo

Ho ricevuto un email circa un Web site con risorse per imparare la lingua cinese..

Dal Web site

Un grande portale Italiano sulla Cina e sull'apprendimento della lingua Cinese. Corsi di cinese mandarino, dizionario cinese italiano, traduzione di nomi in cinese, forum...


Submitted by: opal myth
Fri, 07/06/2007 - 20:22

Eu sou arquiteto de informação. Não é uma profissão que muito pessoal conhece - até hoje nem eu realmente entendi o que quer dizer ser isso!

Sabendo que era chato não conhecer exatamente o que uma pessoa faz cada dia, pelos menos para poder explicar às outras pessoas, procurei em Wikipedia e encontrei o seguinte:

Submitted by: opal myth
Fri, 07/06/2007 - 13:56
Submitted by: opal myth
Fri, 07/06/2007 - 13:51 Logo

Je viens de recevoir un lien pour un site web avec des infos pour apprendre le chinois.

Submitted by: polyglot
Wed, 07/04/2007 - 11:48

Here are the latest updates to the site:

Submitted by: polyglot
Tue, 07/03/2007 - 20:14

We just finished adding Korean to the Free Language line-up of world languages!

Next comes Farsi...

Submitted by: opal myth
Tue, 07/03/2007 - 17:44 Logo

Just got an email link to a conversational language learning resource center and community and wanted to share it here.

From the site:

Phrasebase Language Learning Resources

Your Conversational Language Learning Resource Center and Community

Submitted by: opal myth
Mon, 07/02/2007 - 11:33 German Logo

This is an excellent resource for learning German:

It is frequently updated and has loads of useful info and links and ideas for learning the German language.

Submitted by: opal myth
Thu, 06/28/2007 - 14:21

Came across an excellent tool for studying, using and learning Japanese Kanji radicals and more.

From the site:

Translate Words in Japanese Text
Search for Words in the Dictionary
Find Kanji in the Database
Find Kanji (MultiRadical Method)
Handwritten Interface
Select Dictionary File
View Documentation
Graphic Interface
Keitai JE
Keitai EJ
Keitai Text Translation

Submitted by: opal myth
Thu, 06/28/2007 - 13:30

Just came across a nice directory of blogs related to language and linguistics... and I wanted to share it here.

Submitted by: opal myth
Thu, 06/28/2007 - 02:04 Logo

Was searching around and found the language exchange classified ads.

This is yet another way to connect with people around the world and learn languages through the web. :)

Submitted by: polyglot
Wed, 06/27/2007 - 15:16

Here is the latest screenshot of the Geovisitors to Free Language:


If you click on the Geovisitors tag, you will see how much the site is spreading...

Submitted by: opal myth
Wed, 06/27/2007 - 00:04

NetTVDB Logo

Just received an email from a site visitor about a really sweet database of internet television stations in over 100 countries and loads of languages!

From the site:

Over 1000 Internet TV stations from 108 Countries

Submitted by: opal myth
Tue, 06/26/2007 - 13:34

Nakes Translations Blog Logo

I just ran across this interesting blog which has French and English translations of the entries.

From the site:

Reflections on words, expressions and the difficulties encountered on the bridge from the English to the French language.

Submitted by: opal myth
Tue, 06/26/2007 - 13:24

Entre Nous Blog Logo

I came across this blog for French learners this morning. It has text in French and English and consists of anecdotes and vocab lists regarding specific topics like visiting the hairdresser, etc.

From the site:

Linguistic, literature and current events immersion resources for students of French language and culture.

Submitted by: opal myth
Tue, 06/26/2007 - 11:26

English Experts Logo

Acabo de encontrar um bom site para nativofalantes do português que querem aprender o inglês.

Do Site:

Bem vindo (a) ao English Experts – o blog que tem como meta ajudar estudantes de Inglês com dicas diárias. English made by learners for learners!

Meu nome é Alessandro Brandão, eu trabalho na área de Informática e tenho como hobby estudar Inglês. Muitos leitores do blog me perguntam há quanto tempo eu estudo esse idioma, essa é uma pergunta muito difícil, depende do ponto de vista. Eu poderia responder que eu nunca estudei inglês, pelo menos da maneira formal (em escola de idiomas). Por outro lado a resposta poderia ser: desde criança eu estudo Inglês. Na verdade eu estudei 1 mês em uma escola de idiomas, mas acabei desistindo por não ter me adaptado à metodologia. Adianto que não sou professor de Inglês, minha área é Informática e Administração. Sou um estudante da mesma forma que você, caro visitante!

Esse blog surgiu em outubro de 2006. No início a minha intenção era manter um repositório on-line com os links dos sites interessantes sobre Inglês, cursos gratuitos na Internet e escrever alguma coisa para treinar um pouco o Inglês escrito (written English). Porém o número de visitantes aumentou rapidamente e eu me dei conta de que eu não poderia mais escrever qualquer coisa. Como disse a minha amiga Nilza (hoje colaboradora do blog): “O que era hobby acabou ficando sério”. Isso aconteceu principalmente depois que o Ulisses indicou o English Experts no blog Tecla SAP. E foi assim que tudo começou!

Visite o site.